International Hindu Environmental Survey 2021
Understanding Hindu views on the Environment
The next 10 years are critical to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. A ‘whole of society’ approach is needed to ensure as much progress is made as possible.
To date, there has been little research into how Hindus understand and engage with current environmental concerns. Hindus make up 15-16% of the world’s population, making it the 3rd largest religious tradition after Christianity and Islam.
Although the majority of Hindus live in India, sizable and influential Hindu diaspora communities can be found around the world, from Africa, Europe, and North America.
The findings presented herein are of an international survey that sought to gain the opinions of Hindus on environmental issues facing the planet.
We hope these findings will help strengthen Hindu environmental action and advocacy globally, and be of use and inspiration to other communities and groups working to care and heal Mother Earth.
Hari Om Tat Sat.
The survey was launched on World Environment Day, June 5, 2021, and ran through August 29, 2021. We received a total of 512 responses.
A series of 10 questions based on the following themes were developed via a consultative process:
Demographics - used to identify what countries respondents were from as well as their gender and age group
Level of concern - to understand the extent to which Hindu respondents are concerned about environmental issues
Willingness to make lifestyle changes - to understand how willing Hindu respondents are to adapt their lifestyle choices to care for the environment
Understanding - to determine what influences Hindu respondents’ understanding of environmental issues
Seeking information - to find out how Hindu respondents would like to learn more about environmental issues
The survey was hosted and conducted online. It was primarily publicized through social media, including Facebook and Instagram, and emails to Bhumi Global’s mailing list and other stakeholders active in the Hindu environmental field.

Survey Results
Key Findings
Respondents showed that they are, by and large, equally concerned about pollution, biodiversity and climate change. Whereas climate change is often most talked about, this came in fourth in the list of concerns.
Hindus want urgent action to protect the planet. 99% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that environmental issues need to be urgently addressed.
Personal behavior is important. 95% of respondents said they were comfortable or very comfortable adapting their lifestyle further to care for the environment. Messaging and action at the local and individual level needs to reflect this.
Respondents showed overwhelmingly their interest and ability to learn about issues themselves. More resources targeted to the Hindu community are needed in order to fully engage them.